Friday 6 July 2012

How to NOT Get Hired

Here, for your enjoyment, are my phone dealings with a would-be animator. (Names have been changed to woodland creatures for my own enjoyment, not privacy).


How NOT to Get Hired:
(a transmedia experience brought to your mobile device by your own fingers)

Step 1:
Enter a private office mid-day, and give us your  poorly packaged and labeled demo reel.
Step 2:
Call back and act like a jerk...:

Me: Good afternoon, Seahorse Animation.

Bunny: uh...hello?
Me: Hi, good afternoon, you've reached Seahorse Animation.

Bunny: Hi, um... is Cobra there?
Me: No I'm sorry, Cobra is not in the office today, can I take a message for you?

Bunny: Well, I dropped off my demo reel there 2 or 3 days ago and I wanted to talk to Cobra for an update.
Me: I see... Well Cobra is not in the office today, but you can leave me your email address and she can get back to you when she's next in.

Bunny: *silence* well, she is the one who I handed it to, and I just want to know the status of my application...
Me: Yes, I understand, I can take a message for you.

Bunny: Well, I want to know the status of my application.
Me: ...yes, well, Cobra is the person who is handling that and she is not here right now, you can try emailing her--

Bunny: -- I already did and she has NOT gotten back to me!
Me: ...yes, as I mentioned, she is not in the office today... Would you like to leave a message for her?

Bunny: well, I already emailed her. You tell her to respond.
Me: ...yes, I can remind her when she's back in the office.
Bunny: My name is Bunny Schnookums. She is the one who took my application package.

Me: Yup, I will let her know you called.

Bunny: Goodbye.



Me: Good afternoon, Seahorse Animation.

Bunny: Yes...Seahorse Animation Studios.

Me: Yes, hi, you've reached Seahorse Animation.
Bunny: I need to speak to Cobra

Me: she's not in the office today, can I take a message for you?
Bunny: Yes, I called yesterday to speak to her about my application.

Me: Ok, I will let her know you called,  and when she can get back to you when she's back in the office.

Bunny: ...Well I need to speak to her about my application. I emailed her and she emailed me but I want to speak to her about my application.
Me: Yes, I will let her know you called...when she's back in the office.

Bunny: ...Well I need to speak to her about my application.

Me: I understand. I will let her know when she's back in the office. She'll probably be in on Monday.

Bunny: ...I will call back on Monday. me gusta...


Me: Good evening Seahorse Animation!

Bunny: Yes, Seahorse Animation.
Me: Hi, good evening Seahorse Animation.

Bunny: is Cobra there?
Me: No, I'm sorry she's out of the office, can I take a message for you?
Bunny: ...Has she gone home?
Me: ...she's not in the office, but I can take a message for you...

Bunny: ...She's not in because she has gone home, or she never came in...?
Me: ...She's not in the office right now. Would you like to leave a message?

Bunny: Will she be in tomorrow?
Me: No, I'm sorry she'll be out of the office tomorrow, would you like to leave a message?




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